Friday, May 8, 2015

Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit on the Weekend

It's friday and the weekend is here!!!  There is always alot going on that can easily derail or be an excuse to not make healthy eating choices and/or get off your fitness routine.

You may have worked hard all week on YOU.  Planned your meals, packed your lunch, stayed away from the junk food, gotten all your workouts in so DON'T get off course over the weekend.  Remember you want to make a lifestyle change and to do that you have to learn to work weekends into your lifestyle.

Every weekend there will be something that can get you off course.  There is always birthday parties, sporting events, wedding, showers, family or friends visiting . . . it's called life and your goal should be to still enjoy life but to not overdue!

With a little planning and forethought you can still have a GREAT time, get your workout in and enjoy your weekends with family and friends without feeling deprived.

Here are some of my favorite tips to enjoying the weekend:

1. Treat Saturday and Sunday like the weekdays when it comes to your workouts.  Schedule in your workouts and stick to them. The difference is you may have more time to actually enjoy that workout.  Mix it up on the weekends - take a hike, a run, bike ride and invite your spouse or friend to join you.  It can be social and burn calories!!

2. Weigh yourself on Friday morning and Monday morning.  Knowing your number adds an extra level of accountability and knowing you are going to step on that scale Monday morning may just stop you from eating those chips and salsa.  In my challenge groups we do Friday and Monday weigh ins and celebrate no change as well as any losses.  No change is a victory!

3. Come Friday after 5 days of cooking I can not wait to go out or get delivery BUT you need to plan ahead.  Know what you are going order before you go out to eat!  You will be less tempted!

4. If you are at a restaurant this weekend ask them to take away the bread or chip & salsa!

5. Have a healthy snack before heading to brunch or dinner.  Carrots, 1/2 banana, yogurt, apple . . . anything to take the edge off your hunger.  You DON'T want to be starving when you walk into a restaurant.

6. Split an entree with a friend if possible. AND order baked or grilled NO fried!

7. Pack your snacks and/or lunches if you are going to be gone for the day.  That baseball or soccer game may go longer than you think and you want to be prepared.  NO snack bar visits.

8. Drink lots of water!!  And LIMIT your alcohol to one glass of wine or beer.  A splash of cranberry with soda water is the perfect mocktail!!

9. Stay busy and active and you will be less likely to over indulge BUT if you do get right back on track.  One mess up isn't going to really mess you up BUT numerous ones will!!

I have my nephew's college graduation and party tomorrow and Mother's Day on Sunday.  I've already checked the menu for Sunday and I am thankful my husband knew not to go to brunch where there is a buffet!!  He loves big brunches so on Father's Day we can do that.

Enjoy your weekend and STAY HEALTHY and FIT it will make your weekend and you even HAPPIER!!

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