Sunday, July 12, 2015

My mini cleanse . . . 3 Day Refresh.

I am not a "cleanse" person!!!  The typical cleanse is just not me.  I don't believe in quick fixes.  I think to see real maintainable change you have to make a lifestyle change and live it EVERYDAY.  It's about consistently making healthy choices.  BUT with that said I also know that sometimes we all get off track and we need a jumpstart to get us back on track OR we have a special event coming up and losing a few pounds quickly would make all the difference in the way you feel.  And that is where the 3 Day Refresh comes in.  It sort of is and sort of isn't a cleanse - I think of it as more of a mini detox because you get to eat mini meals and it's only 3 days!!

I did the Refresh last summer right before our vacation and thought it was pretty easy and it was nice to get on that plane feeling lighter.  This summer I decided the Refresh would be a perfect post July 4th plan.  My eating, though healthy, was still a little off and I was feeling sluggish. Plus, I am leaving for Nashville on Tuesday for Beachbody's Coach Summit with thousands of fitness coaches so that sealed the deal for me.  My husband agreed to jump on the Refresh bandwagon and that always makes it more doable if your other half is joining you. :) I had a small support group of women all doing it as well.

Here's how the 3 days works.  You do 3 Shakes a day with little mini meals of fruits and vegetables, a mid-morning Fiber drink and a snack so you are never hunger.  It's more fighting the urges to eat certain foods than actually being hungry.

You drink a 8-12 ounces of water upon waking up which is a great habit to start your day everyday not just during the Refresh. It takes some getting used to but it helps get your metabolism going for the day.  Luckily,  I do my workout at 6 am so I am hydrating through that.

Breakfast is Shakeology and fruit and then mid-morning is the fiber sweep. For me this was the hardest thing to drink yet others had no problem and liked it, my husband included.  Cold water with ice made it so much easier for me and the good news is it keeps you full.

For lunch and dinner you drink a different shake called Vanilla Fresh.  This shake is different from Shakeology - it has more nutritions and protein to keep you satisfied and delivers what your body needs when you are in weight loss mode.  Plus you get veggie and fruit and dinner you have lots of options to choose from like cucumber, tomato salad, vegetable stir fry, spinach salad.

And let's not forget snacks!  I stuck to baby carrots and hummus all 3 days to keep it simple.

For me the 3 Day Refresh was about getting back on track.  I LOVE carbs but to much bread even whole grains goes right to middle and more than that I feel sluggish.  I don't really have weight to lose so my goal was to get my belly flat and feel better.  Day 1 was easy except come the nighttime.  What is it about nights? Some bubbly water and I went upstairs away from the kitchen.  Day 2 & 3 I   I opted to drink the dinner shake more like desert and that worked perfectly, no late night hunger at all!

The biggest thing for me was the increase in my ENERGY!!  I felt so AMAZING and here's the good news 4 days after I STILL feel full of energy! That sluggish feeling is gone, no afternoon sleepies and I feel so alert.

The biggest negative for me was the bloating!  Yup, day 2 and 3 I felt so bloated and I am not sure if it was my veggie and fruit choices.  The majority of the women doing it with me did not feel that way.  And that bloated feeling lasted for a day after the Refresh was over BUT than my jeans were loose so that made it a distant memory.  LOL

I lost a total of 2 pounds which put me right where I wanted to be and my husband lost 4 pounds.  The weight loss in our group was between 2-4 pounds which is a great jumpstart!!!!

The BIG question is would I recommend it to others?  YES, without hesitation if you want a jumpstart on your weight loss, if you want to get back on track with your eating, if you have a big event (i.e. wedding, reunion) you want to lose a few pounds for or you are coming off a big event and you want to lose a few pounds because of the after effects of the event - this program is for you!!!

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