Friday, July 31, 2015

When Did I Become My Mom?

Not that that is a bad thing! :)  I think we all joke at times that we are becoming our mother but today something hit me as I was getting my hair blown out.  I came upon this realization that I have become a lot like mom.  Every friday my mom had a standing appointment at the hair salon (she actually still does today) - it was at 3:30 with Tony so that she was ready for date night over the weekend. My favorite indulgence is getting my hair blown out and  I have noticed I am doing this more fridays than not.  Yup, that way I am ready for the weekend much like my mom did all those years ago. While I sat in the chair today I flashed back to when I was a kid how I loved going with her and watching them tease her hair and set in curlers and than I would flip through magazines as she sat under the dryer.  It was the same women there every week and I remember lots of chit chat which looking back I am sure was lots of gossip.

My mom was married to my dad for 60 years, successfully raised 4 kids through the teen years and through college which I appreciate even more today and looking back it seems she may have achieved something we all seem to be looking for - BALANCE in her life between her husband, children, volunteer work, house work and taking time for herself.  We can all say times were different back than,  it was an easier back then, no cell phones or constant flow of technology BUT I think every generation would say and rightly so that life was super busy and I am sure my mom could have found excuses to not take care of herself.  But she placed a value on exercise, healthy eating and taking care of oneself.  She just didn't talk about it, she lived it and still does today.  At 87 years young she is still exercising 3 times a week and up until she was 80, she played tennis 3 times a week and almost every day would take a big walk.  When we were kids she was constantly telling us to go outside and play, run around, get on our bike, go for a swim,  At the time I am sure I thought of it as nagging but now as a very active mom I am thankful that there was a value placed on exercise and moving.  And look at where it eventually led me to!  Here I am a fitness coach, encouraging and supporting other to live a healthy and active life!

We know so much more about healthy eating today but growing up my mom tried to be on the cutting edge with buying only low fat milk and serving whole wheat bread.  I still remember being made fun of because my lunches were pb&j on whole wheat bread!  And as much as I begged for Hostess cakes and other processed foods she hung tough on saying no! And when my kids ask what's to drink and I say water I and they groan, I chuckle remembering my mom saying the same thing.

My mom took that time for herself but was still always there for us growing up, as well as being there for my dad, she was active in the community and spent time with friends.  Why today, as moms, think it's okay to put ourselves last?  Why do we come up with excuses not to not take the time to exercise or even get our hair done? Why do we settle for unhealthy eating options when with a little time and preparation we can feed our family healthy meals and actually save money because we aren't going out?  Why do we not even schedule date nights with our spouses and realize our kids in the long run will be better off seeing a healthy adult relationships?  Why is balance so hard to find today? Why do we feel guilty spending a little bit of money and/or time on our well being? We are the models for how are kids will be when they grow up, how they value the importance of exercise, healthy eating,  and relationships. What we do today will have a lasting impact on our long term health and in the short term will enhance our happiness, self confidence and our relationships with our families, friends and even coworkers.

That standing appointment at the beauty salon each week was genius when you think about it - it was a guaranteed hour of time my mom spent alone or chit chatting with her friends, she was taking care of her and how she looked which helped with her self esteem and she knew she had that standing date night with my dad every Saturday night! Yup, just that one hour a week and she had a lot of areas covered!  :)

Let's all try to find the balance in our everyday lives as hard as that maybe to achieve.  Make that choice to take care of you physically and emotionally.  Exercise, healthy eating are both great starts but what I have found out is just as important is that trip to get your hair blown out just so you can feel good over the weekend!  The compound effect of taking those baby steps each day will add up over time to a HUGE win fall!!

All of this because I sat in a chair today getting my hair done and thinking about my mom's weekly trips to the salon.  It's funny where our memories and thoughts can go! :)

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