Friday, August 21, 2015

Tips to Enjoy a Night Out and Still Stay on Track

It's the weekend and eating out is one of life's treats come Friday and Saturday night!  We should all be able to enjoy a night out with our significant other or friends at a nice restaurant and not use it as an excuse for getting off track!  It's easy to let that be your undoing BUT it shouldn't.

I cook Sunday - Thursday and but Friday I am done unless I am entertaining.  The weekends are for take out, leftovers  and usually one night out at a nice restaurant. I love trying different restaurants but the key is I rarely leave a restaurant feeling that I over did.  There is nothing worse than that stuffed feeling and I have found there are simple things you can do to enjoy your evening, the company, the food and still by healthy!

Here are my favorite tips to keep your calories in check and keep you on track!

1.  Check out the menu BEFORE you go out!!  You can almost always find the restaurant's menu online.  This gives you time to see if there are healthy menu options and to know what you want to order ahead of time.  If you don't see a healthy options, call the restaurant and ask if they could make some modifications for you.  You will be amazed at how accommodating restaurants can be.

2. SKIP the bread basket!  When they bring it to the table just let them know you don't want it.  Did you know an average piece of bread contains 100 calories and add some butter or olive oil and you are almost at 150 calories!!  It's just not worth it.

3. Pick items that are made using healthier cooking methods.
Skip fried, sautéed, stir-fry or pan-fried and stick with grilled, broiled, steamed or raw.  The key is to avoid things cooked with added fats.  Stick to lean proteins as well - chicken or fish.

4. Share! Restaurant portions are HUGE so why not think about splitting an entree and appetizer.  OR you can order an appetizer as your main course.

5. Watch what you drink. Opt for water or some bubbly water with lemon.  If you want to enjoy a drink keep it to a minimum and choose wine or beer or a cocktail without added sugar, fruit drink or soda.

6. It's okay to ask for substitutions.  Restaurants are so accommodating.  You want to keep it simple: sauce on the side, dressing on the side, swap a starch for an extra vegetable.

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