Monday, September 21, 2015

Body Beast Update

I've made it to week 5 of Body Beast!!!  I feel stronger and my husband is still doing it with me so that makes a big difference in sticking to it!  The program is broken into 3 blocks or phases . . . the first block is 3 weeks long and those workouts are 35-50 minutes long.  The second block is 5 weeks long and the workouts are 30-35 minutes long.  I am just starting week 2 of Block 2 and the biggest difference is the sets are more concentrated and move faster with less time in between sets.  I like the quickness and I LOVE the shorter workouts.  It has actually allowed me to add a couple extra days of cardio into my weekly routine.

I like the feeling of being/getting stronger.  I like that at 5:30 in the morning I am not jumping around doing crazy cardio but still sweating.  It is an easier way to ease into the day.  I do miss my cardio and I am up a couple pound but I feel stronger and leaner and my clothes seem to be fitting well so I am not going to worry about the scale right now!

I have been craving more cardio so I have added in a few more cardio workouts into my week.  I also have days I am sore which I don't mind but I also don't want that soreness hanging around to long and affecting the next days workout.  I decided to try Beachbody's Performance Line and I am using a  drink called Recharge to help with recovery  of muscles.  You drink it at night before bed - it's a yummy vanilla and it helps your muscles recover and rebuild at night. It definitely helps on those days I am feeling it PLUS one added bonus is it helps with nighttime cravings because it is high in protein.

With any fitness program you really do have to be dialed into your nutrition to maximize your results.  I do notice I am craving more protein and I am trying to slightly reduce my carbs.  I am using the 21 day Fix program for my nutrition not the Body Beast guide.  I love the simplicity of the containers,  I love that I have balance in my diet and I can easily readjust my container count when needed.  I have a new 21 Day Fix challenge group starting this week and my challengers always get me using my containers more diligently so I can better give them new tips and recipes!

Maybe your curious about Body Beast or maybe you are just interested in fitness and healthy nutrition.  Contact me by filling in the form below or email at
I would love to hear from you!

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