Sunday, June 28, 2015

Pre Holiday Week . . . . planned out and ready to go!

I just spend a few days in Philadelphia visiting family which was awesome!!  I love going back there but also know I get a little off track with eating.  I still make healthy choices when out to eat and I got my workouts in but I also know I ate more carbs than I normally do and drank a little more wine than I normally do and let's face it traveling in general can throw our bodies off.  So I have my week planned out at least up until July 3.

I want to get dialed back into my nutrition his week so I enter the holiday weekend feeling good.  I am following the 21 Day Fix Extreme meal plan but I've modified a couple of days to be heavy on lean proteins and  lower on carbs.  I am going to grill salmon tonight  and make a big Jerusalem salad and that will take me into tomorrow.  My goal is to have leftovers each night so lunch the next day is already done and I just have to add a veggie.

My weakness is carbs so this will be a very interesting week.  I'm not worried about being hungry but I know I will be looking forward to my oatmeal or whole grain waffle each day.  :)

Here's a look at my meal plan and maybe it will inspire you.

I am keeping up with the Extreme Workouts each day and I love that my husband and I are doing this together!!  It helps us both get our workout done first thing in the morning!

Next week it is game on with a new 30 Day Summer Shape Up group starting and we are starting the group with the 3 DAY REFRESH for those that really want to jumpstart their results.  The 3 Day Refresh is a short term, low calorie, hight nutrient mini detox.  You do 3 shakes through out the day and still get to eat mini meals and snacks.  It's super easy to follow and it is a great way to get you back on track after the holiday weekend!  Let me know if you want more information and you could just join us for the 3 Days or for the full 30!

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