I am so ready for a new workout program. One that will make me want to jump out of bed and get my workout done each day. One that will energize me and make me feel awesome from the inside out! One that will make me feel like a badass as I take on this crazy time of year called THE HOLIDAYS!! Well it's here . . . . Core De Force!!

I have sampled 2 Core De Force workouts and have loved them! My heart rate got up there, I was sweating like crazy and I couldn’t believe how sore I was the next day (to me that’s a good thing . . . I know I’m a little crazy). :) It really does focus on your entire core and getting your midsection defined, which of course is a woman’s top area to spot treat, right?! But it’s a total body workout so you will be working your arms and legs as well. This is a great workout for anyone . . . . maybe you are looking for a change up in your routine, maybe you want to break a plateau or maybe you are ready to work on you and your fitness! This is a great program to take you through the holiday season right into 2017!
I am going to be hosting a Core De Force online test support group in November and I would love to have you join us! The group will run for 30 days with an option to continue on for 60 days to have that added support and accountability right through the new year into mid January! How great is that?
I am going to be hosting a Core De Force online test support group in November and I would love to have you join us! The group will run for 30 days with an option to continue on for 60 days to have that added support and accountability right through the new year into mid January! How great is that?
So what exactly is Core De Force?
Core De Force is a mixed martial arts-inspired workout that is going to really work on your total body, get rid of inches and tone and tighten your entire body with no equipment.
In every workout there is a “learn it & work it” section that breaks down the moves so that you can learn them before you do the workout. So if you are new to the MMA style exercises this will give you confidence to go right in and kick some butt.
Core De Force is also not on a beat or rhythm so you do not have follow a specific routine per se. There are modifiers in every single workout so no matter what your ability level is, you can go at your own pace. This is for EVERYONE! As you get stronger the goal is to challenge yourself with higher intensity and increased focus.
There is no equipment needed except yourself and you don’t need a lot of space! This is key for those that are budget conscious, don’t have a lot of room to workout or are traveling and want to workout in a hotel room.
It is SIMPLE to follow and all you have to do is show up and PRESS PLAY on the workout of the day! My goal is to support you, and keep you accountable so you gain the confidence to make the changes necessary for you to live a healthy and happy life!
What about the nutrition plan?
Nutrition plays a very important role in your success! You have to dial into your nutrition to see results. It would be great if we could all out exercise a bad diet but since that doesn't work this is the next best thing! The nutrition guide is all about simple, clean foods, that you can easily measure out and combine to give yourself a well balanced nutrition plan that will fuel your body with the energy it needs to crush your workouts What you eat is 80% of the results that you get.
How long are the workouts and how many workouts?
The workouts range from 25-45 minutes. You will workout 6 days a week and have an active day of rest (stretching and loosening your body).
There are a total of 10 workouts in the program. The program comes with a workout schedule so you will know exactly what to do each day! I love that . . . it’s a no brainer and you will be working different body parts each day!
What’s the cost?
The total cost is $140 and includes the 10 Core De Force workouts, nutrition guide, program manual, a 30 day supply of Shakeology, access to me as your coach, discounted price and shipping plus you will be part of the Test Group where I will be personally walking you through the nutrition guide, providing you with weekly meal plans and recipes, fitness and nutrition tips, motivation, tons of support and daily accountability so that this program does not become another dust collector on your shelf.
So why is being part of a group so important?
It’s how you REALLY succeed at this program! Anyone can go out there and buy the Core De Force Challenge Pack and do the workouts. Unfortunately I have seen many of times ( I was also guilty of this) where we purchase a program with the best of intentions and before we know it, the workout is sitting on our shelf collecting dust and we make excuses for why we don’t have time or it isn’t the right timing. Don’t let this be another program that you have good intentions with but it stops there. It’s time to take charge of your fitness and nutrition and get involved in a closed online community of support that is going to help you start and complete the program and get the RESULTS that you want just in time for the holidays and into 2017! And bonus I am going to help you create a holiday plan that is going to give you the flexibility to enjoy the holiday things you want to eat but still get results. Does that sound like a good plan?
So what do think??? Here is the requirements and how to get started:
• We will all start on November 7th with a week of prep and workouts begin November 14! Each participant must have ME as their assigned coach.
• You must commit to both the fitness program and Shakeology to join the group. You will be getting everything you need for this group when you sign up with me.
• You must be willing to participate daily in the closed online group. I will have you log your workouts, your daily food activity and provide you with tools, tips and recipes to help you get to your goals.
• You must be willing to give it your all! Change is not always easy but it is totally worth it. And oh how great it will feel!
There will never ever be a perfect time to start your fitness and health transformation. You literally just have to take that leap of faith, bite the bullet and go for it. BUT how amazing to finish up 2016 working on being the BEST you can BE!! How amazing to start the new year already with a plan in place for your health and fitness!! DON’T use the holiday season as an excuse to not be healthy, to not be exercising! If you do not try, how will you ever know if you can succeed! This just might be that 1 thing where everything comes together and just finally makes sense to you and your lifestyle. And don’t worry we will navigate the holiday season together!
Let’s do this NEW program together and see where it takes us! I can’t wait! Connect with me on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/marciadeangelisfitness/ or comment below and let’s connect.
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