Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Do you like to dance?  Do you like to exercise?  Do you like to dance and exercise?  If you answered yes to any of these questions Cize is for you!!  Cize is a workout program like no other!  It's dancing and exercise only you won't even realize you are exercising because you will be having so much FUN!

Ok let me just say it  I can NOT dance at all but I still LOVE to dance.  I mean don't we all love to dance even if it's just when nobody is looking?

I took the BIGGEST risk of all and got certified in Cize 2 weeks ago.  I was part of the first Cize Live certification and was luckily enough to have Shaun T himself teach us! Yes, it was pretty freaking amazing!!  I thought I would be in a room of incredible dancers and I would feel self conscious BUT I was in a room full of women and men of all different shapes, sizes and ages and it was all about the moving.  I quickly realized there was no time to look at anyone else, this was about me, my journey to learn how to dance and teach others like me to Cize.  I felt empowered and yes at times was pretty certain I had the moves down BUT what I quickly came to realize was the only thing that matters is what you feel inside. Shaun's passion for dance and getting others to dance is amazing and contagious.  Dancing makes everyone happy much like exercise.  BUT not everyone wants to do burpees, jumping jacks, running or jumping but NOW you can get that same high with all the benefits  of exercise with Cize.  Cize takes the 'exer'cize out of exercise and it doesn't matter how you look.  It's about moving and being comfortable in your own body and talk about a stress reliever!!  

So is Cize for you?  YES!!!  No more excuses!  "The weight will start to go down, when you lose the baggage that's holding it up."  -ShaunTfitness

The workout program is broken down into steps for "any dance" level and you will build on the moves throughout the workouts.  The program is 30 days and the workouts are 30-40 minutes and the best part is the routines are choreographed to latest pop music picked by Shaun T.

My FIRST Cize support and accountability starts Monday August 10 and this is going to be an EPIC group.  You will want to be part of this group as we all experience the full program together for the first time.  There are going to be contests each week and prizes along the way.  Plus we will be following a meal plan modeled after the 21 Day Fix with a strong focus on the nutrition portion as well so you will get in shape, lose weight, tone up and have the BEST time ever!!!

Email me at or fill in the form below and let's get you dancing!!

Challenge Group Information

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What are you interested in?

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