Friday, May 29, 2015

The Importance of Others

It can be daunting to start something and even harder to keep going.  And change doesn't happen overnight!  It takes days, weeks, months and most importantly consistently and determination.  And support and accountability!!!  And that is what I realized I had lost. When I look back to why and how I fell off the fitness bandwagon I realized I lost my support unit.

When I ran marathons I had a running partner and on the weekends I ran with a large running club.  It was so fun, all of us working together for the common goal of completing a marathon.

Pre kids I went to the gym and took classes and it was always the same group and we formed friendships and bonded as we worked out each week.

Even when I was pregnant I joined a pregnancy aerobics class that met 3 times a week and talk about working toward a common goal!!  After baby some of those women became my support group to not only to get back in shape but as a new mommy.

But then I somehow ended up by myself.  As a busy moms we all run around in different directions trying to get things done when the kids are napping or at school.  I lost the luxury of combining exercise and socializing - who had time or the energy.  I lost my fitness way,  I didn't have that support of others to get me excited or better yet to push me to reach a goal.  And that's when all my excuses started.

Oh if I only knew what I know today as a young mom I would have never have gotten out of the fitness routine!!  Yes, I found in home workout programs that I really liked but that still would not have kept me going.  What I got back was support and accountability!!  My best friend and I decided to try a workout program separately but together.  We would workout on our own time, in our own home and connect every day by text, phone or email about our workout.  We pushed each other, motivated each other and excuses were NOT allowed.  Many days I would rush to get my workout done because I wanted to get to her first that I was done (yes, I have a little bit of a competitive side in me).  We would analyze the workouts, what we liked, what we were having problems with, how we were feeling and we kept each other honest about what we were eating and even reported our weight to each other every week.  THE FUN was back!!

My transformation did not happen overnight.  It took months of exercise and healthy eating BUT I have no doubt that without that support and accountability I would not have continued.  I would have found an excuse because doing it alone is to hard!!

As we moved onto  a new Beachbody program (yes, I am hooked on in home workouts) we both discovered Beachbody online support and accountability groups as we continued on our journey the support that came from those groups were amazing.  Once again we were all working toward a common goal of getting stronger and healthier.  There was no time for excuses and not only did I have that accountability and support BUT I made incredible friendships and bonds that have continued as my fitness journey does.  I found my fitness mojo!!

Don't let excuses stop you from making a change, getting fit and reaching your goal.  You don't have to do it alone and to ensure your success DON'T do it alone.  Now I get to run support and accountability groups and give others that accountability that I had been missing.  I love that it can fit in to your day at anytime.  I may workout at 7 am and others at 7 pm BUT we are both in there keeping each other accountable and on track. We discuss nutrition, weight loss, recipes, fitness tips, goals, weekly weigh in's and help through the struggles as well as celebrate the victories.   I am constantly amazed at the women in my groups - they are all so different but in many ways the same and they all become so vested in each other's success.  The groups energy is motivating and inspirational and my hope is that they not only make a lifestyle change for themselves but their changes inspire and motivate others to change as well.  Together success is more likely and definitely more fun!

If you want more details fill out the form below, message me on Facebook or email me at

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